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    Home     Steam    Player Count
    By Current Players
    Name Current Players 24-hour peak 30-days peak Peak players
    1276. 修真大陆 246 270 320 762
    1277. War Selection 246 1,297 1,297 1,986
    1278. STEINS 245 484 651 3,563
    1279. LoveBeat 245 313 355 458
    1280. Hollow's Land 245 1,006 1,884 1,884
    1281. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus 244 746 875 1,712
    1282. The Talos Principle 2 244 629 811 7,245
    1283. Yog-Sothoth's Yard 244 561 1,024 5,365
    1284. Goofy Gorillas 244 437 464 464
    1285. METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE 243 521 641 6,059
    1286. The Hungry Lamb: Traveling in the Late Ming Dynasty 243 568 855 5,029
    1287. Help 243 998 1,886 1,886
    1288. Unrailed 2: Back on Track 243 647 888 2,342
    1289. Alien: Isolation 242 458 586 10,788
    1290. The Killing Antidote 242 394 513 2,221
    1291. Dungeons & Dragons Online® 242 389 396 1,012
    1292. X3: Albion Prelude 242 286 314 314
    1293. Homicipher 241 394 834 2,285
    1294. RaceRoom Racing Experience 241 1,057 1,135 2,604
    1295. Gas Station Simulator 241 561 696 12,180
    1296. Gunsmith Simulator 241 463 463 1,453
    1297. Silent Gentleman 241 478 895 4,090
    1298. GUNDAM BREAKER 4 240 312 503 27,073
    1299. Book of Hours 240 313 445 2,878
    1300. Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 240 649 744 1,588
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    此游戏是作者上班闲暇时独自一人开发,服务需费用以及steam注册费用都是自掏,不喜勿喷,非商业游戏,(注:这是一个多人在线的文字网游,非单机游戏!)这是一款文字挂机类修仙小游戏,主打的就是上班摸鱼挂机修仙。为什么会被微软防火墙判断为病毒或其他杀软拦截或者更新失败卡死?个人开发者开发的小游戏,没有公司资质或安全背书。因为游戏需要联网,所以会被各种安全软件误报为威胁而拦截删除。有时候更新完之后新的exe程序还未提交给杀软厂商白名单审核,所以也会被识别为危险软件。更新失败卡死也是同样的原因,杀软识别为病毒自动删除了程序,所以不管怎么更新都会一直失败。如何解决:百度一下如何彻底关闭win10 defener。用其他杀毒软件的话将游戏加入白名单也行(每次更新客户端都要加,因为exe程序更新了)下面是游戏介绍:游戏主打摸鱼时能够聊天吹牛,并且聊天环境会被维护的很轻松休闲(禁止一切涉黄、低俗之类的言论,违者禁言或封号)介绍一下目前已有功能:历练:历练是主要玩法中的另一个重要点,通过历练不同的地图能够获取不同的收益,比如域外战场主要产出装备,等等洞府:目前暂时只有聚灵阵,,聚灵阵可以消耗灵石和材料进行升级,也可以使用灵石提升修炼效果,聚灵阵主要是为了加速修炼的天道塔:天道塔分为无名小卒和天道化身,每击败3个无名小卒和挑战天道化身,挑战成功即可获得灵石装备修为,如果没挑战成功将继续挑战无名小卒获得修为奖励市集就是其他网游的摆摊功能,可以自由交易,任何物品都可以交易!每日领取的物品也可以交易!没有国产游戏的呕心绑定系统!排行榜:境界榜,天道塔榜等等实时更新. 娱乐模式:娱乐模式拥有灵石大逃杀玩法,让大家的灵石互通有无,其他更多玩法正在开发中,也欢迎道友们建议新玩...
    War Selection
    This is a pseudo-historical strategy game that focuses on base, economic and military development culminating in huge military clashes.Up to 62 players can fight in one match fight on a procedurally generated random map.Each player starts from the Stone Age. Throughout the match you develop your culture ultimately morphing into a modern day country. This represents the entire historical diversity of the human civilization.Each chosen path brings it's unique game experience.Game mechanics and opportunities change depending on your choice.After passing 8 historical eras you will reach the Modern time.More than 100 buildings and more than 200 types of units are available.There are 2 types of troops available: land and naval.Different game modes await for a player:Confronting hordesTeam match...
    Fall in love with the lab members all over again in this sweet and slapstick romantic comedy!Follow Your HeartExplore the private life of Rintaro and your favorite lab members in a series of “What if?” scenarios.Love Isn’t a ScienceThe hard science of STEINS;GATE takes a back seat to let the slapstick story run wild!Phone Trigger SystemInteract via Rintaro’s cellphone to answer or ignore calls, and send and receive emails. Your everyday choices in life steer the story!
    LoveBeat is a free-to-play rhythm game that you can dance by hitting arrow keys and spacebar. A lot of amazing indie songs will give you both the excitement of playing the game and the delight of listening to your favorite songs at the same time.Build new friendships with other LoveBeat dancers all over the world by using plenty of cheerful emotes and social functions. New fashion items are updated regularly to allow the players to showcase their trendy styles. You can also change character’s body shape and apparels to express your own style.Let’s join LoveBeat dance party where it’s full of friendly people all over the world!Key FeaturesSkill Based Gameplay- No cheap power-ups here, only your skill matters. So practice makes perfect in this challenging rhythm game.- 11 game modes are provided including individual, team, and couple plays. Compete against other players though single play mode, or Carry your ...
    Hollow's Land
    What kind of game is Hollow's Land? Hollow's Land is a RPG driven to take players on a epic journey involving dangerous occultists and creatures. As the story unfolds the player will gain support and they will also discover more enemies. Eventually the player will gain enough support to form their very own faction. Hollow's Land is big world and has a lot to explore! Gameplay Completing quests will give you experience points and will go towards leveling your character up,you will need to also complete quests to become stronger and thus taking on stronger enemies in Hollows Land.The game will be open world and will feature many different exciting creatures to take on, feel like relaxing?Hollows Land will feature towns, cities, villages for the player to sell and buy good, they will also feature a tavern. Features Customizable Characters Intelligent AI Crafting Future Features
    Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
    Wolfenstein® II: The New Colossus™ is the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed, Wolfenstein®: The New Order™ developed by the award-winning studio MachineGames. An exhilarating adventure brought to life by the industry-leading id Tech® 6, Wolfenstein® II sends players to Nazi-controlled America on a mission to recruit the boldest resistance leaders left. Fight the Nazis in iconic American locations, equip an arsenal of badass guns, and unleash new abilities to blast your way through legions of Nazi soldiers in this definitive first-person shooter.STORY: America, 1961. Your assassination of Nazi General Deathshead was a short-lived victory. Despite the setback, the Nazis maintain their stranglehold on the world. You are BJ Blazkowicz, aka “Terror-Billy,” member of the Resistance, scourge of the Nazi empire, and humanity’s last hope for liberty. Only you have the guts, guns, and gumption to return stateside,...
    The Talos Principle 2
    Born into a new world where biological humanity is extinct but human culture lives on in a city of robots, you find yourself swept up in a mind-bending adventure involving a mysterious megastructure hiding enormous powers.The more you discover, the more you will be confronted with questions about the nature of the cosmos and the purpose of civilization. The broken promise of a better tomorrow, the fear of repeating humankind’s mistakes, faith in reason or renouncing humanity altogether - the choices you make and the sides you take will determine the course of events.A New Generation of PuzzlesSolve a wide array of puzzles with varying difficulty levels, including clever metapuzzles and highly challenging Gold puzzles. Finish the game without solving every puzzle, or pursue the rewards of complete mastery. A variety of new abilities, such as gravity manipulation and mind transference, join the established mechanics of the original Talos Principle, creating a fresh but fam...
    Yog-Sothoth's Yard
    In this land where dragons/elves/humans coexist, you inherit a long-deserted villa and owe a dark debt. You need to recruit employees including a Death, a Dragon, an Elf-Hunter, and a Bioroid Maid to provide hotel services for different species, or you can use slaughter and forced dreaming to gather money quickly. In addition, the employees are all pursuable. Choosing different people you pursue and the degree of evil to collect money will affect the end of the hotel's operation.Yes, this game planned 11 endings, and this continues to increase with script writing and the system design ......RECRUITING EMPLOYEESBioroid MaidImplanted to obey all your commands, but you can choose not to force her.Competent in housework, but lacking in taste.Death from TowerPowerful, but company slave.A dedicated hotel front desk staff, but likes to slaughter.Dragon Girl Alchemist
    Goofy Gorillas
    Welcome to Goofy Gorillas, the largest (and greatest) nostalgia-driven virtual play centre!Do you want to play Hide and Seek with your friends? Maybe you'd want to play Hide and Seek with dodgeballs, inflatable hammers and boxing gloves to raise the stakes a little more? Why not turn your friends into enemies in a free-for-all battle with all of the items mentioned? You and your friends can partake in these activities while also earning GP (Goofy Points). Levels are gained through earning GP, which can then be used to unlock unique cosmetic items to show off while you're winning in your game mode of choice!If you just want to chill without the fear of being chased or you don't feel like turning your friends into enemies just yet, we have you covered! Goofy Gorillas prioritizes creating a social hub before any game mode begins, so you're able to do whatever you want to do - with small mini-games that can be played at any time too! Goofy Gorillas is fitted with a...
    Developed by Kojima Productions and PlatinumGames, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE takes the renowned METAL GEAR franchise into exciting new territory with an all-new action experience. The game seamlessly melds pure action and epic story-telling that surrounds Raiden – a child soldier transformed into a half-human, half-cyborg ninja who uses his High Frequency katana blade to cut through any thing that stands in his vengeful path! A huge success on both Xbox 360® and PlayStation®3, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE comes to PC with all the famed moves and action running within a beautifully-realised HD environment. This new PC version includes all three DLC missions: Blade Wolf, Jetstream, and VR Missions, in addition to all customized body upgrades for Raiden, including: White Armor, Inferno Armor, Commando Armor, Raiden’s MGS4 body, and the ever-popular Cyborg Ninja. "CUTSCENES" option added to...
    The Hungry Lamb: Traveling in the Late Ming Dynasty
    《饿殍:明末千里行》官方群号:685288213 欢迎加入!明末崇祯五年(1632年),盗匪良和同伙接了人牙子的委托。良需将四名小女孩从华州城运至洛阳城。路途千里,一行人将走过华州、阌乡、陕州、最终抵达洛阳。起初,良以为被他运送的女孩会被卖到富人家里作养女。行至途中,名为“穗”的女孩告知良此次运送的”真相“。原来,买走女孩的是一头修行千年的豚妖。豚妖以食女童为乐,每年寿辰便从陕地搜罗女童食用,穗的姐姐正是因此而死。穗希望良能放弃运送,最好能与她一同刺杀豚妖,帮她姐姐和数年来丧生的女孩们复仇!良不完全信穗的话,毕竟穗的身上似乎埋藏着很多谜团。良将在旅途中搜集情报,查明真相,并作出他的选择。“岁大饥,人相食。” —— 《明史 卷二三三 列传第一二一》故事背景为明末,展开时间为崇祯元年至崇祯十四年。故事地点主要在陕地、晋地和中原。当时,土地兼并严重,国家内忧外患,又恰逢多灾多难的小冰河期。连年大灾后,朝廷苛政不改,最终饿殍遍地、反军四起。良是玩家所扮演的角色,他家世代行商,他曾想过不承父业,成为一名游历天下的侠客。1626年,天启大爆炸夺走了他的一切,他在家破人亡后便化作流民、继而沦为盗匪,做了许多恶事。穗,九岁,洛阳人,哑巴。她的姐姐被洛阳的千年豚妖杀死,她为了替姐姐复仇而故意被人牙子拐走,只为刺杀豚妖。上述的一部分或全部为穗的谎话。良的同伙,伶牙俐齿、唯利是图。一般做恶活时,舌头负责动嘴,良负责动手。被人贩子拐走的官家女孩,据说是袁督师的远亲。大灾之年被父母卖掉的陕北姐妹之一,泼辣朴实,对妹妹翠儿关怀有加。 大灾之年被父母卖掉的陕北姐妹之一,纯真可爱,很依赖姐姐。良的故交,在...
    Your daughter was gone at a research of the abandoned bunker. Having gone to find her, you meet the horrors living in these walls, solve puzzles, discover what has happened in this place and to find the daughter. Everything that you have, is a lamp which charge constantly decreases also the radio.FeaturesSupport a lamp charge by means of batteriesUse the radio for the solution of puzzles and to discover location of enemiesRead notes to learn about what has happened
    Unrailed 2: Back on Track
    Unrailed 2: Back on Track brings chaotic local and online multiplayer track-building action to the next level – band together with friends to collaborate and build your track across new procedurally generated worlds - WHILST the train is running! So think fast, with more freedom than ever before, and conquer new obstacles in your way - before your trains becomes… a trainwreck! CHOOSE YOUR TRACK Now featuring a story spread across new environments, on branching paths for you to choose, so no two runs will feel the same. In these biomes you’ll now be able encounter new points of interests, side quests, daunting bosses and as well as other random encounters, so adapt quickly on your feet! New unlockable cosmetics also let you add your personal touch to your characters’ story. YOUR JOURNEY GETS BETTER AND BETTER Every excursion your crew undertakes feels increasingly meaningful, with new rewards and perm...
    Alien: Isolation
    HOW WILL YOU SURVIVE?Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. Fifteen years after the events of Alien™, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, Amanda enters a desperate battle for survival, on a mission to unravel the truth behind her mother's disappearance.As Amanda, you will navigate through an increasingly volatile world as you find yourself confronted on all sides by a panicked, desperate population and an unpredictable, ruthless Alien.Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive. Overcome an ever-present deadly threat – Experience persistent fear as a truly dynamic and reactive Alien uses its senses to hunt you down and respond to your every move.Improvise to survive – Hack syst...
    The Killing Antidote
    SynopsisIn the future, a special germ will cause human beings to continue to be infected and mutated, and the human world is about to come to an end.The protagonist, Jodi, is a brave freelance journalist who investigates the inside story of the incident and searches for the legendary antidote, and unknowingly is in danger.Gameplay featuresThis game is a third-person action genre that mainly contains elements such as shooting, melee combat, and puzzle solving.- Realistic style rendering- Beautiful heroine- All kinds of beautiful clothes and hairstyles- Refreshing blow feeling- Rich motion and interaction design- Scary zombie apocalyptic atmosphere- Clever puzzle elements- Innovative random item mechanic
    Dungeons & Dragons Online®
    Enter a world of danger and adventure with Dungeons & Dragons Online®, the free, award-winning, massively-multiplayer online game based on the beloved RPG that started it all.Key Features:Experience the Best Action Combat of Any Free MMORPG: Take control in combat and make every move count. Leap past deadly blade traps or dodge poison arrows. Whether fighter, sorcerer, or rogue, every move is your move as you block, tumble, cleave, and more on your way to glory and power. Play for Free: Experience the action, danger, and intrigue of Dungeons & Dragons Online for free! Play as much as you want all the way to level 20. Exciting Adventures with Iconic D&D Monsters: Come face-to-face with a dragon, defend your sanity from a Mindflayer, or get roasted by a Beholder as you delve into the deepest and most treacherous dungeons ever imagined. Test your skill against a monstrous number of ic...
    X3: Albion Prelude
    X3: Albion Prelude is the latest game in the X3 space game series. TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD, THINK in a living and breathing universe. A new plot and many additions to the open free-form gameplay.A Bridge Between the Old and New X UniverseX3: Albion Prelude plays in a time between the old and the new X Universe. It shows a universe in flux, and prepares players for things to come. The old X Universe is passing; a new X Universe is about to be created.War!The X universe is undergoing a period of massive change. What started as a conflict of interest between the Earth and the races of the X Universe has now escalated into a full scale war. Play a part in a war scenario bigger than anything the X Universe has ever seen before!Corporations Compete for Control of the FutureWith the war as a backdrop, corporations old and new are vying for power and are driving the X Universe in a new direction. A technological breakthrough will soon allow massive accelerators, forming highways...
    Homicipher tells a story of a girl who wanders into the Other World and on her way to escape she encounters many strange men who speak an unknown language. You will interpret their language based on their expressions and gestures. By continuously deciphering the language and filling in appropriate words, you will understand the key clues behind all this and escape from the Other World.However, the players’ characters dangerously fall in love with these strange men when communicating! Get a taste of living on the edge by facing situations where the wrong choice can decide your life or death. Understand their language and make the correct decision to stay alive...In the Other World, all these mysterious men use an unusual set of words. Players must speculate the true meaning of those words through their expressions, gestures, the objects they are pointing at, and many more to successfully understand what they are talking about.You ...
    RaceRoom Racing Experience
    RaceRoom is the premier free-to-play racing simulation on PC and home to official race series like DTM, WTCR, the WTCC and ADAC GT Masters. Enter RaceRoom and enter the world of a professional race car driver.A selection of free-to-play race cars and tracks are yours to drive with unlimited wheel time in multiplayer and single player games modes. Sponsored competitions and other free-to-play events allow you to enjoy premium game content at no cost.Additional cars, tracks, and liveries can be bought individually or as packs inside the game store using an in-game currency called vRP, which is purchased using your Steam Wallet.Key FeaturesFree to play - Eat, Sleep, Race, RepeatA premium racing simulator is yours free-to-play on the PC. Race endlessly alongside the world’s most talented drivers in online multiplayer and single player game modes. Your dream car is here - Grab your pick
    Gas Station Simulator
    Gas Station Simulator is all about renovating, expanding and running a gas station along a highway in the middle of a desert. Freedom of choice and multiple approaches to run your business and deal with pressure are key ingredients in this game.Buy an abandoned gas station in the middle of nowhere and restore it to its former glory. Get rid of the broken furniture, fix up the walls, paint and decorate. Just don’t spend all your cash on the looks right away, you bought a gas station after all. Repair the equipment, buy those that can’t be repaired and start serving your customers to earn money for further renovations and improvements.The more you widen your gas station’s appeal, the more customer demands will vary. The truckers want a healthy meal and a shower while the Tesla driver wants a Latte while he waits for his car to charge up. Expand the range of services you offer by adding stations, buildings and appropriate equipment. Why not ...
    Gunsmith Simulator
    There is nothing better than to start your day with some gunsmith work. But where should you get your first commission? It’s best to check out the „GunStock” website, since it is full of ads, gun auctions, and people looking for someone just like you! Still, you can also receive orders directly from clients - it’s nice to have your own network of customers. Read the story behind each gun and decide, which job appeals to you most.So you’ve accepted your first commission? Great, let’s get down to work!... But wait, you have to get ready first!Order new parts on „GunStock” or create them by using specialized tools like CNC machine and lathe. Inspect weapons and decide which of theirs elements need to be replaced and which just refurbished. Learn to trust your gut, and upgrade your workshop as you gain more experience.They say it’s not only about the looks. Well, those who say that certainly haven’t ...
    Silent Gentleman
    STORY Silent Gentleman is an RPG game set in a fictional guard outpost in the Dark Age. Uther, a young impoverished noble turned highwayman and informal protector of the weak, with his partner Oliveiro gets a mysterious letter. Signatory of the letter was Mathilde, a young noblewomen and Uther's childhood friend who went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land few years ago. In it, Mathilde asks Uther to help her clean up a remote outpost which has fallen under tyranny of its Baron and his sinister companions. Never willing to leave a friend in trouble and let injustice go unpunished, Uther and Oliveiro set forth to right the wrongs in the long forgotten outpost. GAMEPLAY Silent Gentleman is a JRPG with turn based combat system. The game is not story rich nor it focuses much on dilougues as it does on good old fashion dungeon crawling. Point of the game is to level your team, equip it with both weapons, armor and items to prepare...
    Create your own ultimate Gundam in the newest Gundam Breaker game!In Gundam Breaker 4 you will create and customize your own powerful Gunpla, and put it to the test in thrilling combat missions.• BREAKUse two different weapons at once in Gundam Breaker 4 and break off parts of your enemies to add them to your collection. It's your loot - you get to keep it and use it!• BUILDChoose from over 250 base kits and combine their parts to build your perfect Gunpla. Customize it with paint, weathering, and decals to make it uniquely your own and display it in the new Diorama Mode. With multiple backgrounds and special effects to choose from, you can create epic, dynamic scenes to share online!• BATTLETake your custom Gunpla in a variety of intense combat missions and put it to the test as you battle tough opponents in online or single player modes. Fight with your friends, equip new skills to gain an edge, and destroy your enemies!
    Book of Hours
    BOOK OF HOURS is an elegant, melancholy, combat-free RPG set in an occult library, from the makers of BAFTA-nominated and the creator of Fallen London and Sunless Sea.Shutter the windows against the sea. Bank the fire against the cold. Listen to the rain rattle on the roof, while you slide books one by one into their ancient nests. For five centuries, the library of Hush House was a fortress of knowledge... until the fire. The collection is ruined, and the Librarian is dead. Your unique talents make you fit to rebuild the collection.ACQUIRE occult books, by purchase or more underhand means, and STUDY them to solve the setting's mysteries. RESTORE books to address the ravages of time, or PURIFY them to remove their curses and shadowy taints. Enjoy the sweet peace of indexing and cataloguing books to the order you desire, building a library to be proud of, while you defend it against storm, fire, theft and the occasional theoplasmic assau...
    Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
    With its extensive Tour of Duty campaign, a near-limitless number of skirmish modes, updates and new content for Counter-Strike's award-winning multiplayer game play, plus over 12 bonus single player missions, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is a tremendous offering of single and multiplayer content.