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    Home     Steam    Player Count
    By Current Players
    Name Current Players 24-hour peak 30-days peak Peak players
    1926. Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer 154 272 315 833
    1927. Crime Scene Cleaner: Prologue 154 189 223 2,351
    1928. Ark Nova 154 167 203 257
    1929. Shredders 154 310 393 685
    1930. Winning Post 9 154 177 177 278
    1931. Love and Sex: Second Base 153 216 251 587
    1932. Zombie Army Trilogy 153 186 186 1,500
    1933. Call of the Wild: The Angler™ 153 168 232 5,856
    1934. 飄流幻境 153 153 236 506
    1935. The House in Fata Morgana 153 173 173 173
    1936. To The Core 153 217 558 3,439
    1937. Pacify 153 353 539 3,120
    1938. The Last Campfire 153 173 657 1,366
    1939. Age of Wonders: Planetfall 153 199 227 3,039
    1940. Spore: Galactic Adventures 153 241 292 350
    1941. Rising World 152 223 564 624
    1942. Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition 152 208 317 560
    1943. Shipping Manager 152 152 172 230
    1944. Heavy Rain 152 192 253 927
    1945. Dummynation 152 238 290 290
    1946. Cafe Stella 152 233 592 1,391
    1947. Master of Orion 2 152 246 275 285
    1948. GUNDAM BREAKER 4 151 170 299 27,073
    1949. Adventure Escape Mysteries 151 207 243 281
    1950. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 151 200 355 791
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    Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer
    The biggest first-person action series of all time and the follow-up to last year’s blockbuster Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare 2 returns with Call of Duty®: Black Ops. Call of Duty®: Black Ops will take you behind enemy lines as a member of an elite special forces unit engaging in covert warfare, classified operations, and explosive conflicts across the globe. With access to exclusive weaponry and equipment, your actions will tip the balance during the most dangerous time period mankind has ever known. Key Features: Cinematic Single Player Campaign: An epic campaign and story that takes you to a variety of locations and conflicts all over the world where you will play as an elite Black Ops soldier in deniable operations where if you are caught, captured or killed, your country will disavow all knowledge of your existence.
    Crime Scene Cleaner: Prologue
    Welcome to the crime scene, which also happens to be your workplace. Sometimes it’s almost terrific how much of a mess a simple hitman can make, but you’re not here to complain. There’s a reason you took on that job, remember? Your daughter’s life lies in your hands – that’s why you became so good at this. Dispose of bodies and destroy pieces of evidence, all while staying out of the police’s radar. Meet the protagonist in an introduction to his crime scene cleaning struggles. The prologue is free and includes a part of the main character’s story, which takes place in a local entrepreneur’s villa. Discover and hide its dirty secrets using some tools from the full game’s arsenal.Core FeaturesDeep clean the crime sceneActivate your cleaner’s senseDestroy crucial pieces of the evidenceExplore stories behind the crimesUpgrade your equipment Steal to make more moneyStay...
    Ark Nova
    You and your pal are making goofball snowboarding videos at the Frozen Wood resort when brand ambassador Lisa makes an offer for a couple of sponsored videos. She gives you a glimpse of a whole new world of snowboarding, professional riders, snowmobiles, and epic features to shred. An invitational has attracted a whole bunch of pro-riders to the area, and with Lisa’s help you have a chance to meet some of them, learn a bunch of their moves, and possibly even get a chance to join them in the kick ass invitational! A love letter to snowboarding, Shredders takes inspiration from a whole bunch of awesome snowboarding films, the Amped games from back in the day, and the snowboarding heroes on Instagram.FeaturesHuge unlockable OPEN WORLD: The horizon is full of amazing lines, features, and gorgeous scenery, and the snow is always fresh!Shred with a top selection of PRO RIDERS: Wit...
    Winning Post 9
    Love and Sex: Second Base
    StoryMike is a young code monkey in a big company, even surrounded with beautiful girls his love life is in disarray.His high school sweetheart cheated on him and his latest flame is dating on of his friends.Will you be able to help him find love and avoid the pitfalls of dating life or will he end up alone and unhappy?Bree is a college freshman, penniless and a bit socially awkward.Help her find a job and succeed in her studies to become a successful woman or lead her down a dark path of drugs and devauchery.DescriptionLove & Sex: Second Base is a free roaming dating sim where a geeky guy or girl (hopefully you) gets to be be roommate with two very hot people and meet plenty of others in their daily life.The player has the choice of taking on the role of either a guy or a girl and meet a whole cast of unique and memorable characters along the way.The aim of the game is, bascially, to...
    Zombie Army Trilogy
    NOW INCLUDES ALL 8 CHARACTERS FROM THE LEFT 4 DEAD GAMES!“Co-operative multiplayer done right.” - Eurogamer“Proven shooter mechanics and a real sense of fun.” - Wired"A generous wodge of the most enjoyable kind of schlock horror shooting on PC." - PC Games NThe cult horror shooter series comes to an apocalyptic conclusion with an epic new third chapter, a heart-pumping new horde mode, and remastered editions of the best-selling Nazi Zombie Army 1 & 2.In the dying flames of World War II, Hitler has unleashed one final, unholy gamble – a legion of undead super soldiers that threatens to overwhelm the whole of Europe. Fight alone or team up to save humanity from the zombie menace in this apocalyptic third-person shooter!Battle through THREE epic campaigns across 15 demon-infested missions. Play s...
    Call of the Wild: The Angler™
    From the creators of theHunter: Call of the Wild comes a genre-defying fishing experience! Explore a vast and atmospheric open world in search of the perfect fishing spot. Ride the open waters alone or with friends and embark on your journey to become a master angler.The world of Call of the Wild: The Angler is filled with spectacular fishing spots and breathtaking environments, which can be explored on foot, by off-road vehicle, or boat across a vast network of waterways. Traverse the living, breathing world at your own pace, and discover winding rivers, majestic alpine peaks, turquoise-colored springs, epic hiking trails, and hidden ponds. Journey past charming outposts and soaring lookout towers as you head out for a relaxing night of fishing on the lake, or beat the sunrise for a shot at hooking that one elusive catch.Whether you’re battling the fierce Largemouth Bass, or the hard-fighting Mountain Whitefish, the intuitive casting system in Call of the ...
    飄流幻境: ◎離線掛機木人椿 使用「木人玩偶」直接傳送到最近木人椿,不同地圖有不同等級木人椿可供玩家掛機! ◎離線掛機採資源 使用「自動採集機」可以即時坐下採集隨機資源!資源方便入手! ◎在線獎勵 – 隨機獲得獎勵!補藥、材料、道具隨時有! 角色在線時間越長獲得獎勵越多!補藥?材料?不用怕!每日在線獎勵隨時送你! ◎新手階段豪氣送「寵物、房屋造型、實用道具」 為了回饋飄流幻境Fans多年來的支持,也希望大家能玩得更爽。於《飄流幻境》中,玩家由創角起至新手階段,會陸續獲得「寵物、房屋造型、離線掛機及採集道具」等豐富禮品,讓大家都能更快起步! ◎即時配對PVP!排行爭奪生存王者! 《飄流幻境》獨家全新系統,玩家將可以即時配對進行PVP對決!勝出者將可依排名獲得獎勵。官方指出,為不時舉辦戰績排行大賽,勝出者將可獲得更豐富獎勵! ◎設計屬於您獨一無二的家! 房屋是遊戲中最受歡迎的系統之一,在遊戲中,玩家將可以把一開始的小小「蝸居」,靠著大量的帳篷造型與家具擺設,隨意佈置自己的家,用心設計成屬於自己的「豪宅」、「Dream House」。官方也會定時舉辦設計房間活動,選出優秀的作品,送出豐富獎品! ◎伙伴萌寵全捕捉!美女野獸通通都能騎! 「甚麼!?美女、野獸都能騎!?難道是我眼花?」千萬不用驚訝,因為這是《飄流幻境》!在遊戲當中,野外遇到的生物幾乎都可以捕捉起來。最有趣的是,所有捉回來的寵物都能成為坐騎,不管是陸上走的還是天上飛的、人型的還是動物的,大家都可以騎乘! ◎沒時間去旅行?來飄流!特色交通工具環遊世界! 大多數玩家肯定渴望過環遊世界吧,奈何時間不夠,只有把這個目標慢慢地淪為奢望。不過在遊戲中,玩家將有機會駕駛著不同特色的交通工具,親身遊歷古今全球各地,包括「亞洲、歐洲、南極甚至...
    The House in Fata Morgana
    You awaken in a decrepit old mansion.A woman with eyes of jade stands before You, informing You that You are the Master of the house, and she Your Maid. However, You have no memories, no concept of self—or, indeed, any certainty that You are even alive.The Maid invites You to join her on a journey through the mansion's lifeless halls, to behold the numerous tragedies that have befallen its residents. She suggests that among them, perhaps You will find some trace of Yourself.Beyond the first door lies the year 1603.It is an era of unparalleled beauty, where art and theatre flourish. Roses bloom abundantly in the garden where the inseparable Rhodes siblings play, and though they appear to be free of worry and strife... not everyone is content to see them happy.Beyond the second door lies the year 1707.In this era, the mansion lies in ruins, and a beast dwells within. He claims to yearn for a life of serenity, but it is not long before he yiel...
    To The Core
    NOTE: the game is still incredibly early in development so things can change.To The Core is an incremental game about drilling and using the resources from the orbiting planets to buy upgrades to drill even further and deeper than before!A solar system awaits you, plenty of planets to choose from to find and drill their resources, however be careful to not waste any fuel if you wish to drill more of that resource. Travel the expansive solar system to find planets with varying resources and compounds, each planet is stronger than the last so you'll need to gather upgrades.Travel to the planets and gather as many resources as you can before fuel runs out, you can use these resources to increase your drills durability, fuel, damage and add quirky upgrades.The items you collect in the game have an automatic mastery system where the more you mine a resource the more buffs that resource will have, so if you mine 100 i...
    STORYYou just signed on with PAH Inc. Paranormal Activity Helpers Incorporated, yeah sounds corny, but the pay is great. They said you won't ever be in any real danger, and they have tons of work right now. Your first job is at some old haunted house. There is a broker wanting to put the house for sale, but with everyone in the town spreading rumors of evil living inside the house, he needs some proof that it is safe. He actually seems creeped out himself. Anyway, he hired PAH Inc. to check the place out. You can go check it out alone if you'd like, but I would take at least 3 more friends with me. Check the place out, and if there is anything supernatural going on, try to bring evidence back to PAH Inc.MYSTERY OF THE HOUSEThis house was built over 100 years ago. The owners ran a funeral parlor. They held normal funeral services such as ceremonies, wakes, cremation and burying the dead. The rumor around town is that they also offered a very special service, a way to talk t...
    The Last Campfire
    DISCOVER A PURPOSEThe Last Campfire is an adventure, a story of a lost ember trapped in a puzzling place, searching for meaning and a way home.ON A JOURNEYTravel deeper into the lands beyond the dark forest and overcome the adversities before you.UNCOVER A WORLDDiscover beautiful wilderness filled with lost folk, strange creatures and mysterious ruins.LIGHT THE LAST CAMPFIREFind hope and carry it with you on your Journey to light The Last Campfire.FROM A SMALL STUDIOA unique tale from Hello Games and the creative minds behind LostWinds.
    Age of Wonders: Planetfall
    Emerge from the cosmic dark age of a fallen galactic empire to build a new future for your people. Age of Wonders: Planetfall is the new strategy game from Triumph Studios, creators of the critically acclaimed Age of Wonders series, bringing all the exciting tactical turn-based combat and in-depth empire building of its predecessors to space in an all-new, sci-fi setting.Build your empire with one of six unique factions, ranging from the militant Vanguard to the dinosaur-riding Amazons and the cyborg-zombies of the Assembly. Progress through each faction’s missions using your wits, military strength and diplomacy, exploring planetary ruins and encountering other survivors as you unravel the history of a shattered civilization. Fight, build, negotiate and technologically advance your way to utopia in a deep single player campaign, on random skirmish maps, and against friends in multiplayer.Tactical Turn-Based Sci-Fi CombatPerfect your comb...
    Spore: Galactic Adventures
    Rising World
    Please note that this game is currently in Alpha stateRising World is an open-world sandbox game with randomly generated, fully destructible environments. Starting with the most basic of tools, collect resources to survive in the wildness. Evolve your world to create one of the biggest cities of all time or a gigantic castle, or simply let your imagination run riot! If being creative is all too much, just connect with your friends and get them to help.Anything is possible!FeaturesRandomly generated worldsCompletely modifiable environmentBoth single and multi-player modesMounts and drivable boats200 different building materialsMore than 200 different furnitures and fixturesMore than 200 items (tools, weapons, utilities etc)Upload images from your hard drive and place them in the worldExplore vario...
    Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
    Become the terrifying force which everything fears but nothing can escape. Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen embarks on a quest to redeem his brother's name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation. Death lives!Deathinitive Edition Features:Darksiders 2 with all DLC included and integrated into the game which offers a total playtime of more than 30 hoursReworked and tuned game balancing and loot distributionImproved Graphic Render Engine for higher visual quality especially in terms of lighting and shadowsImproved and reworked level, character and environment graphicsRunning in native 1080p resolutionSteam Trading Cards Features: Play Death: Become t...
    Shipping Manager
    Shipping makes the world go round. In Shipping Manager you can be the next big shipping tycoon and make sure your empire brings cargo and wares from the amazon to the chinese seas to the emirates on time. Play with or against friends and other real life shipping enthusiasts to control the seas and top the leaderboards. Create and manage your own shipping empire strategy. In this multiplayer naval simulation game you have the opportunity to become bigger than real life container transport tycoons like Maersk, Evergreen and MSC. Create, schedule and navigate routes in the seas from ports like Shanghai, Los Angeles, Rotterdam, Singapore, Dubai, Hamburg and New York. Choose between 2 game modes: EASY or REALISM. Go the easy way to lower prices and increase profits or challenge yourself with realism where you have to consider the smallest things like the fuel prices and canal usage tax. People need their goods transpo...
    Heavy Rain
    HOW FAR WILL YOU GO TO SAVE SOMEONE YOU LOVE?Experience a gripping psychological thriller filled with innumerable twists and turns. Spanning four days of mystery and suspense, the hunt is on for a murderer known only as the Origami Killer - named after his macabre calling card of leaving behind folded paper shapes at crime scenes. Four characters, each following their own leads and with their own motives, must take part in a desperate attempt to prevent the killer from claiming a new victim.You need to think fast and act even faster, as every choice and move you make can result in dramatic, game-changing consequences – and even determine who lives… and who dies.How this story ends is entirely up to you.FOUR CHARACTERS, FOUR PERSPECTIVESThe award-winning storyline puts you in control of four distinct characters who are each following their own leads in a desperate search for a missing person.ACCESSIBLE AND INTUITIVE CONTROLS N...
    You are given unlimited power over a country, with a single promise to fulfill: world domination. How you manage to achieve it is up to you.Expand your territory by military occupation to gain more power, but do not spread too thin too fast or your empire will crumble even faster.Analyze and manipulate diplomatic relations to invade countries while avoiding creating too many powerful enemies.Use your country's resources to sustain your research and military campaigns, but if you spend too much your land will be impoverished and you will fall behind your rivals in the balance of power.Determine your country's economic policy and reach a high economic growth, which might allow you to outpace your rivals in the power race even without using military force.Annexations over timeIn Dummynation, resources are not tied to entire regions, but are inherent to each place, and when a conquest occurs, these...
    Cafe Stella
    Café Stella and the Reaper's Butterflies is a Japanese-style visual novel produced by Yuzusoft, a Japanese developer of romance VNs. It won numerous awards in the year of its release in Japan for its art, music, and characters.
    Master of Orion 2
    Forge an empire in a universe where population growth is stripping away planetary resources. Colonize unknown planets and trade with other races for their knowledge.The need for galactic expansion is critical. You must conquer alien star systems to secure the resources that will guarantee your supremacy. The ultimate goal is to defeat the evil Antarans. They lurk in the coldest reaches of space, warmed by one all-consuming passion... Revenge!One of the best 4X games ever createdAbsolutely addictive gameplay with a powerful "just one more turn" factorTactical ship combat, galaxy-spanning strategy, 60 technology fields, advanced diplomacy and much moreNote: This game is a part of Master of Orion, Collectors Edition package which includes 3 original Master of Orion titles available on Steam for the first time and new Master of Orion game published by WG Labs.This game will available for ...
    Create your own ultimate Gundam in the newest Gundam Breaker game!In Gundam Breaker 4 you will create and customize your own powerful Gunpla, and put it to the test in thrilling combat missions.• BREAKUse two different weapons at once in Gundam Breaker 4 and break off parts of your enemies to add them to your collection. It's your loot - you get to keep it and use it!• BUILDChoose from over 250 base kits and combine their parts to build your perfect Gunpla. Customize it with paint, weathering, and decals to make it uniquely your own and display it in the new Diorama Mode. With multiple backgrounds and special effects to choose from, you can create epic, dynamic scenes to share online!• BATTLETake your custom Gunpla in a variety of intense combat missions and put it to the test as you battle tough opponents in online or single player modes. Fight with your friends, equip new skills to gain an edge, and destroy your enemies!
    Adventure Escape Mysteries
    Experience the unique puzzles and critically-acclaimed stories enjoyed by tens of millions of players. Investigate cryptic clues, unravel a mystery, and solve puzzles in beautifully illustrated adventures!Play An Epic storySolve a murder mystery in Trapmaker. Play as Detective Kate Gray and walk in her shoes as you investigate a mysterious murder. Interrogate suspects and use your own cunning to discover everyone's secrets.Play as notorious pirate Captain Conroy in Pirate's Treasure! Conroy is about to get the score of his life, when he discovers a treasure map that sends him on an adventure across the high seas.Solve Unique PuzzlesUse your observation skills, deductive reasoning, and cunning to solve our puzzles. Collect treasures and tools in your inventory, find clues, and enjoy a brilliant escape room experience from the comfort of your mobile device.Hear What Our Players Say“I'm obsessed with your games, I've ...
    Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
    Includes the Terminal Bonus Map and Zombies in Spaceland Pack, contains a weapon camo, calling card, and a Fate and Fortune Card Pack!Infinite Warfare delivers three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies.In Campaign, players play as Captain Reyes, a pilot turned Commander, who must lead the remaining coalition forces against a relentless, fanatical enemy, while trying to overcome the deadly, extreme environments of space.Multiplayer combines a fluid momentum based movement system, player focused map design, deep customization, and a brand new combat rig system to create an intense gameplay experience where every second counts. Combat Rigs (Rigs) are the ultimate combat systems. Each Rig is a cutting-edge, tactical combat suit worn by the player and is built for totally different styles of play. Players will also join one of four brand-new Mission Teams to unlock calling cards, camos, emblems, and weapons unique to that team.In Zo...