"Sinister Night 2" draws heavy inspiration from the classic horror film "The Thing" and traditional Chinese culture. This sequel masterfully blends the tense atmosphere of social deduction with the enigmatic allure of Chinese horror. In this haunting exploration of an ancient Chinese mansion, players assume the role of a streamer participating in what seems to be a conventional reality show, unaware that tragedy has already struck — two members have been possessed by the spirit of a bride from a ghost marriage. With the onset of the crimson nightmare and the revival of the ghost marriage ritual, fear and despair start to spread. Players must find offerings that can appease the restless spirits or expose the possessed among them to avoid the vengeful wrath of the wronged souls from the afterworld.Breaking the routine of Social Deduction GameDitching the traditional role assignments of games like Werewolf, this game provides a more open-ended environment. The u...