Our next playtest is on Thursday, March 21 and Friday, March 22 from 5–9pm PT.Action Packed, Extraction TeamplayChoose a character from our growing roster of Seekers, gear up with whatever you’ve got, and get ready for adventure.
You’ll team up in groups of up to three and head out on expeditions in the Everbloom. Find loot by taking down creatures, opening treasure chests, and plucking it off enemy players you bested in battle. Make sure you make it out alive because you only keep what you extract with.
Build up your stash across matches, and use coins and crafting materials to bolster your supplies. As you grow stronger, you can travel deeper into the map, fighting progressively stronger creatures and eventually taking on bosses who guard the most powerful items.
With in-game events, randomly-selected regions, and unpredictable enemy players, each match plays out differently. Use your knowledge, Seeker mastery, and the power of teamwork...