Fantasy Grounds is an application acting as a virtual online gaming table primarily intended for pen and paper style narrative role playing games. It is designed to perform many of the things you can do while playing at a conventional gaming table and move it online. The demo will allow you to test the campaign creation features, host another player for demo purposes or connect to another player running a demo. The GM will need to route port 1802 in the firewall to their local IP address.
* This is not a stand-alone game. This game features no computer controlled AI and relies upon another user acting as a Gamemaster to control the story, action and enemies you face.OverviewFantasy Grounds is a hybrid application which allows you to play games and create your own games. It facilitates this play and provides some optional add-on Adventure modules which can be loaded and played with very little preparation. Each game will require a GameMaster (GM) and one or more players....